Safety Policies and Procedures
We are taking extra precautions with the intake of each client, health history review, as well as sanitation and disinfecting practices.
We will be limiting appointment times to ensure the safety of clients and practitioners.
First time clients are required to complete a Medical History Intake Form and
Precautionary COVID Liability Release Form.
Practitioners will wear appropriate PPE at all times throughout client interaction unless otherwise agreed.
Body Harmony Therapeutics - Massage Therapy - Sound Healing - Vibroacoustics
Practitioners and clients are asked to arrive showered, wearing clean clothing and take appropriate precautions to not touch your face.
Hand sanitizer and/or a hand washing station will be available at all times for both the client and practitioner.
Treatment areas are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to each session and following each session, which includes all appropriate surfaces, tools and linens. Any unnecessary items will be removed from the treatment room.
Clients must consider that the updated cleaning protocol may cause exposure to some fragrances or fumes, although due to the limited scheduling, there should be adequate time for safe ventilation prior to scheduled appointments.
Practitioners or clients who have symptoms and/or are sick are required to stay home and it will be necessary to reschedule the appointment.